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The Thai Partners Roadshow for the Social Entrepreneur Organization Collaboration Development

The Thai Partners Roadshow for the Social Entrepreneur Organization Collaboration Development

In the duration of March 29th -30th 2022, Thai Partners HEIs; Payap University, as the National Coordinator; Burapha University, Mahasarakham University; and Prince of Songkla University have visited the following Social Entrepreneur Organizations:
(1) Yunus Center, Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
(2) Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok
(3) Office of the Social Enterprise Promotion, Bangkok
(4) Social Enterprise Thailand, Bangkok

The visitation are aimed for the strengthening the networks among Thai HEIs with other SE related organization and association in order to concrete the sustainability for the STEPup project in a long run by both Government agencies and SE privates. Moreover, it is a great of opportunity for expansion the future cooperative implementation from this event.