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Training 1

STEPup project had organized virtual-training in the topic of “Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Identification”

STEPup project had organized virtual-training in the topic of “Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Identification” which led by Cracow University of Economics. In addition, the training was decomposed in vary of discussions, activities for example concepts of social enterprises; identifying the social problem and criticizing for solutions; business model canvas and applications on the SE; SE local case studies and challenges; sharing of thought in breakout session and wrap-up.

This online-training was held in the period of 19-21 October 2020 and approximately 40 participants from partner institutions were attended, wherein the contribution of the training should be deliver by each of Thai and Burmese partners on their Regional Multiplier Events with their students, scholars and communities in the context of social enterprises.