Welcome to STEPup Networks


Regional and multiplier events

According to the Work Package 2.4, the Regional Multiplier Events were imposed to deliverable the output of the project in order to contribute the knowledge and expertise in term of social entrepreneurial to the internal and external stakeholders. All Asian partners were planned to organize the 1st Regional Multiplier Events after the first two trainings. Regarding this, each partner has been designed the training with their target groups as follows:

Project Consortium Meeting

In the scope of the STEPup Project, consortium members agreed to meet on a regular basis to assure that the project implementation and work package deliverables are aligned with the timeframe and are perceived in good quality according to the objectives and main goals of the project.

Training 4

The final virtual-training of STEPup project WP2 - Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge Transfer/Capacity Building of trainers and students was organized in the duration of 14-16 June 2021 in the topic “Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hubs”

Training 3

STEPup project had organized the 3rd training by virtually as the Pandemic situation has been caused of the travel restrictions for the partners.